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N.A.I.L.S Local License Accreditations

Local Industry Relevancy

The N.A.I.L.S Skills License Accreditation System integrates a variety of essential skill sets to ensure that each licensed professional is well-rounded and fully prepared for the demands of the workforce. Through collaboration with expert partners, the system offers comprehensive training, including specialized seminars, talks, and hands-on activities. These programs enable license holders to continuously refine and upgrade their skills, staying competitive in the industry.

N.A.I.L.S also works closely with leading industry experts to develop its framework, ensuring that the latest knowledge and best practices are effectively imparted to all participants, fostering ongoing professional growth.

Accreditation Licenses:

  • Technical Skills License
    The Technical Skills Licenses focuses on the hands-on practical Technical Skills Competency (TSC) that examinees’ is required to perform on the job. ​​

  • Soft Skills & Knowledge License
    As part their continuous training and upskilling, license holders are required and encouraged to improve their standards with soft skills & knowledge upgrading

Exam Content

Practical exam, Theory exam & Audition will be conducted for each Technical Skills Accreditation Local License Levels.

Technical Skills Accreditation Local License Levels

  • Nails

  • Eyelash Extensions

  • Semi-permanent Makeup

  • Massage

Examination Schedule

N.AI.L.S Local License Examinations are conducted in Singapore four times annually. 

Examination Venue

There are two types of examination venues: "N.A.I.L.S Registered Exam Venues" and "Official Exam Venues." The specific location for your exam will be disclosed in advance and determined by the committee based on pre-approved conditions. If the required conditions, such as the minimum number of participants, are not met, or if the venue’s capacity is exceeded, the exam venue may be adjusted. In such cases, the updated venue details will be communicated to you in advance.

Apply to be a N.A.I.L.S Registered Exam Venue

The "N.A.I.L.S Registered Exam Venues Registration System" allows educational institutions, such as schools that meet our venue requirements, to register as an registered examination venue with our Association. Once approved, these facilities can host the N.A.I.L.S License Examination on-site.

For more information, please email:

Handling of Personal Information
Personal information of educational facilities registered as N.A.I.L.S Registered Exam Venue will be used solely for the purpose of conducting the requested examination and only to the extent necessary to achieve that purpose. This information will be collected through lawful and fair means. As a general rule, personal information will not be disclosed to third parties without the written consent of the individual. 

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